Study groups
Teaching experience
- August: Instructor in TOPS Summer school in Oxford
- Trinity term 2024: Tutor in Part A: Group Theory
- Hilary term 2024: Tutor in Part C: Elliptic Curves
- Summer 2022: Instructor for TOPS summer school in Oxford
- Trinity term 2022: Tutor in Part A: Number theory
- Michaelmas term 2021: Tutor and TA in Part B: Galois theory
- Trinity term 2021: Andrés and I ran a seminar on étale cohomology
- Hilary term 2021: Teaching assistant in Part C: Elliptic curves
- Hilary term 2021: Teaching assistant in Part B: Commutative Algebra
- Michaelmas term 2020: Teaching assistant in Part B: Galois theory